Allyum launches its Placement Desk division

Allyum launches its Placement Desk division

The ultimate answer to sell side and buy side assignments (EN)

Maximize your chances of success

At the end of 2019, Allyum launched its new division dedicated to both company transfers and equity funding. While these activities are not new to the company, such work structure ensures high quality results at high speed. 

Placement desk, the new high-speed train of the financial world?

In 2019, at Allyum, we took the necessary  time to rethink our processes. We noted that having an unit dedicated to company sell side mandates  made it easier to first establish contact with potential counterparts and second to follow up with the client on a daily basis. Allyum has therefore reorganized its working structure to create this new Placement desk.

Speed, efficiency and results

Our Placement desk consists in a team of two people, based in our offices in Brussels, working full time on our clients' requests. It gives the opportunity to reach more counterparts, in Belgium and abroad; and this from the very beginning of our missions.

In parallel, we are also working to expand our contact list day after day to further improve the timeliness of execution. This systematization reduces the overall time spent per project. Moreover, it allows to complete your most ambitious objectives.

Monitor your progress in real time

In our digital age, it has become much easier to remain informed of the progress of your project. Therefore, from 2020, Allyum will allow its customers to access real-time monitoring of the mission progress.

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